نوزاد تگزاسی در خودروی در حال حرکت بدنیا آمد

یک مرد آمریکایی فیلمی را روی شبکه های اجتماعی منتشر کرده که همسرش را در حال وضع حمل داخل خودرو نشان می دهد. از قرار معلوم این وضع حمل روز پنجم سپتامبر و در مسیر بیمارستانی در ایالت تگزاس اتفاق افتاده است.
الکسیس که موفق شده دختر خود روی صندلی ماشین بدون حضور پزشک و بدون کمک بدنیا بیاورد با بازنشر مجدد این ویدیو در صفحه اینستاگرام خود از این تجربه منحصر به فرد گفته است. او که چهار فرزند دیگر هم دارد در وصف این لحظه نوشته: «چیزی فراتر از یک چیز ویژه... بدون پرستار و دکتر، بدون نور یا کسی که بخواهد در این لحظه که باید از خاص ترین لحظات خانوادگی باشند، اختلالی ایجاد کند.

There was something beyond special, about getting to deliver my own baby. No doctors or nurses, no lights, or busy people, no one interrupting a moment that should be the most special moments for families as they bring life into the world. The pain was there, but the joy and peace that followed in those minutes we got to spend alone with our sweet girl was more rewarding then anything I could have asked for. I honestly think that God allowed me to deliver safely in the car, instead of making it to the hospital, because He knew that my desire for a birth that was without interruption and full of hormones between baby and I, that desire was so deep. And something that the hospital just couldn’t provide for me. People are shocked and often apologize that I didn’t make it to the hospital. They don’t understand that I just experienced something unrivaled to anything I could have imagined. I witnessed my body take over and a baby be born into my hands. My body is not swollen, and I have no tears. I had my husband and children around me, and for 5 minutes, we embraced everything that happened without any interruption. Our family has preferred a unique chaos It was crazy. But it was Amazing. @birthtube @birthwithoutfear @gracedinbirth @mindfulbirthproject @empoweredbirthproject

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در ادامه این پست اینستاگرامی آمده است: «آدمها معمولا از اینکه نتوانند در چنین لحظه حساسی خود را به بیمارستان برسانند شوکه می شوند و اغلب برای اینکه فرزنداشان در بیمارستان متولد نشده معذرت خواهی می کنند. ولی آنها نمی دانند من چه چیزی را تجربه کردم که با هیچ چیزی که بتوانید تصورش را بکنید قابل مقایسه نیست. واقعا دیوانه کننده بود ولی در عین حال لذت بخش...»

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” So we took our first family photo yesterday.. It went just as planned, obviously! Our daughter got out of school at 3 Hubby helped bring in groceries at 3:30 We woke the boys up and threw clothes on them at 3:35 Mommy put some makeup on and made it look like she brushed her hair at 3:40 Phone started ringing at 3:45 Together we gathered ourselves and the kids, and sat in front of the makeshift camera set up, and patiently waited for the first of many interviews to begin! (And it went great) then we quickly set the timer for 10 seconds and took this photo. The first complete family photo. Seriously, how perfect is this? And we got 7 people ready in under 45 minutes! I’m counting my blessings just looking at all the things that are so right with this photo.. I’m in love with how imperfect it is.. Life is crazy, and we can’t stop the time from getting away from us.. The only thing we can stop is ourselves. We can stop and snap a photo without a posting it right away We can stop and kiss someone without needing anything else We can stop and thank God... even if we don’t know what we’re thanking him for, because life is not going as planned, we can stop.. we can stop and find something to be thankful for ❤️

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این خانواده در پستی دیگر با انتشار عکسی هفت نفره از پروردگارشان سپاسگزاری کرده اند. در این پست می خوانیم: «می توانیم از حرکت بایستیم و از خدا تشکر کنیم.. حتی اگر ندانیم برای چه چیزی می خواهیم از او تشکر کنیم... برای اینکه زندگی همیشه آنطور که قرار بوده، پیش نمی رود... بنابراین همیشه چیزی هست که بتوان برای آن شکرگزار بود»
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