پرزیدنت ترامپ همچنین در توئیت دیگری نوشت: «شاید ما در حال طی کردم روند خروج از سوریه باشیم، ولی به هیچ وجه کُردها را، که مردمی ویژه و جنگاورانی عالی هستند، تنها نمیگذاریم.»So many people conveniently forget that Turkey is a big trading partner of the United States, in fact they make the structural steel frame for our F-35 Fighter Jet. They have also been good to deal with, helping me to save many lives at Idlib Province, and returning, in very.....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 8 October 2019
پرزیدنت ترامپ گفت: «ما به کُردها، چه به لحاظ مالی و چه به لحاظ تسلیحاتی، کمک میکنیم.»....understands that while we only had 50 soldiers remaining in that section of Syria, and they have been removed, any unforced or unnecessary fighting by Turkey will be devastating to their economy and to their very fragile currency. We are helping the Kurds financially/weapons!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 8 October 2019